Company values
TRUMF international holding shared values:

- We inform each other truly of all facts that are important
not only to us but can be also important to our colleagues.
- If our opinion differs from others, we shall express it. If
we cannot pursue others, we shall respect a majority conclusion.
- We listen to others actively and respect their opinions.
- We require openness from others.
- In case of problems we shall not look for an offender, but
instead look for causes and solutions.
- We are open to new ideas and proposals for improvement.
- We are assertive and are able to say no, if a common matter
is in danger.

Positive approach
- We are helpful and empathetic.
- We know how to praise and how to say thank you.
- We delight in success, also in success of others.
- If we reprove someone, than it shall be done correctly.
- We know how to take criticism.

- We all know exactly our duties, powers and workplace.
- We strive to acquire best knowledge of our field and
continue to expand this knowledge.
- We share our knowledge with other people at TRUMF.
- We keep agreements and our promises. Others can rely on us.
- We solve the problems - we do not postpone them.
- We are able to acknowledge an error and learn from it.

We stably maintain a high level of working performance.
We recognize permanent values and have a stable opinion.
We do not change procedures and rules often.

Team spirit
"We" means more than "I".
We help the weaker.
We respect each other.
We follow the rules.
We do not tolerate loafers.

- We trust others.
- We can turn to our superiors and colleagues without hesitation.
- We work and act so that we did not disappoint our colleagues' trust.